Let's face it. This blog is not going to be a regular thing. I tried. I failed. I'll get over it. Anyways, I finally came up with something that I thought would be fun to share.
In my salon (and in my home) I prefer to use all natural products on the dogs. I look for products with short ingredient list and ingredients that are easily identifiable and beneficial. No fake fragrances. Turns out that it's not easy to find a truly natural product. Most products advertising as "natural" still have some sketchy ingredients, or are so vague about the ingredients that I just assume they have something to hide.
I recently switched all my shampoos to Earthbath. It's everything I could wish for in a product! 100% natural, no dyes, dilutes 33:1, gentle but cleans thoroughly, and is scented with essential oils. I love it. I had a problem though, because Earthbath doesn't carry a finishing spray. In the salon I like to finish the dogs off with a few spritz of finishing spray to make them nice and shinny. I also would use it throughout the groom to cut static. Dogs that came in for just a brush or quick tidy up would get a few sprays to condition the coat. They would leave silky and smelling great even though they didn't get the full works! Unfortunately the spray I was using had a lot of fake fragrances and was giving the dogs (and the groomer!) rashes.
One day I came across a DIY coat refresher on pinterest and gave it a try. It wasn't bad, but it wasn't great. However, I did like the idea of making my own so I started doing some research on what sort of ingredients I wanted to use. After putting together my recipe, I put it to the test. It's perfect! It's slick but not greasy, conditioning without residue, and fragrant without being over powering.
Here's how to make it.
You Will Need...
- Clean spray bottle
- Med. sauce pan
- Wooden spoon
- Strainer
- Funnel
- 1 1/2 Cups Water
- 2 Tbsp Marshmallow Root
- 1 Tbsp Horsetail
- 1Tbsp Vegetable Glycerin
- Rosemary Essential Oil
- Eucalyptus Essential Oil
- Peppermint Essential Oil
Combine the water and Marshmallow Root in a sauce pan and bring to a boil.
Reduce heat to a simmer and add the Horsetail. Allow the mixture to simmer for 10 minutes, stirring occasionally. Remove pot from heat and set aside to cool completely. Once the infusion is cooled, pour the Vegetable Glycerin into the spray bottle.
Strain and add the infusion to the bottle.
Fill the bottle the rest of the way with water and add 12-15 drops each of Peppermint and Rosemary essential oil and 7 drops of Eucalyptus essential oil.
Screw on the sprayer and shake to combine all the ingredients.
Spray away!
I really do love this spray. It's so simple (and cheap) to make but it does the job wonderfully. I actually use this spray on my dog, Saya, after almost every walk.

So, why Marshmallow Root and Horsetail? Well, Marshmallow Root works as a mucilage. Which basically means it creates a slightly slimy consistency. It helps with detangling. Horsetail is high is Silica which strengthens hair and skin. Vegetable Glycerin adds hydration and shine. I bought my herbs from Organic Matters and found the price very reasonable. It's not locally sourced though, so you may end up with herbs from China. If you're not into that you can find herbs at Harmonic Arts, a Canadian company, for a little higher price. A great place to get Essential Oils is Calia. Good quality, reasonably priced, and Canadian.
The great thing about this simple recipe is that it's easy to tweak and add to. Next time I make it, I'm going to try Aloe Vera instead of Vegetable Glycerin. The possibilities are endless, really. This link is a helpful resource when deciding what herbs to use. You could substitute or add other herbs such as Nettle or Oat Straw. Green Tea is great for hair and it also has anti-bacterial properties. Apple Cider Vinegar does a great job of balancing the skin's PH and therefore wards off infection. Only add about a teaspoon or two, though. I found the smell too overpowering for this mix of Essential Oils, but it may work well in a citrus blend. If you want to get really fancy, you could pick some wild roses and add the petals to the simmering water to create a little bit of Rose Water.
I like this blend of oils because it seems to be a universally liked scent, but you can get creative here too. Lavender and Bergamot is a nice blend, as well as Green Tea and Hibiscus. Check around, do some research, find out what other people are doing.
Before adding any new ingredient, make sure it is safe for dogs. If you have a cat in the house make sure it will be ok to have around them too. If there is any doubt, opt for something else. Better safe than sorry!
Let me know what you think of the Coat Refresher and wether or not you made any changes. I would love to here your thoughts!