Tuesday, 15 April 2014

How Did I Even Get Here?! Part 4

   The weeks turned into months and the hours of "grooming experience" were adding up. I printed off another application and as I read through the questions for the second time, I suddenly saw myself the way Scary Dane Lady saw me. Why in the world would she think I would make a good groomer? There was nothing about me, past or present, that could prove that I was serious about this. The first question on the application was "Why do you want to become a groomer?". How was I supposed to answer that in a way that exuded confidence? "I don't really know why, it just feels right  :) " Scary Dane Lady was not going to approve me for her school, no matter how many volunteer hours I had, she just didn't want me. Truthfully, I didn't really want to be her student. Something told me that her and I were not very compatible. She probably would have crushed me under her hulking personality.

   There was nothing for it but to search for a different school. Google search did not disappoint and we found another grooming school located 10 minutes away from my other brothers place. I got in touch with the instructor via e-mail and she sent me all the school info. When I read that she also required a personal interview, I decided it would be easier to explain to her by phone rather then e-mail why flying down again for another interview probably wouldn't work. I picked up the phone and dialled the number, silently praying that I wouldn't make a fool out of myself. After about 30 seconds of talking I was pleasantly surprised to find that she was a normal person! She wasn't self important or condescending. When I explained to her that I had just flown down for an interview a few months earlier and didn't think I was going to be able to make the trip again so soon, she surprised me by saying "Oh that's fine, I can just give you the interview over the phone!"As she asked me questions, I found that I could answer them with ease and confidence, and when we came to the end of the interview she said "Well great! I'm looking forward to meeting in the fall and if you have any more questions feel free to call or e-mail." WHAT?! That's it?! After all that fretting and after all that work, a few emails and a phone call and I'm in?

   Mom was a little scepticle too. She went off and called up past students too get the low down. Every single person she called raved about the school and about the instructors. So, I sent the cheque off in the mail, bought the text books, put in my notice at work and made arrangements to stay with my big brother and his family. I was off to Western Dog Grooming School!

This is not the end of the story, but it's a long story. Check back for How Did I Even Get Here?! Part 5
If you missed it here is Part 1, Part 2, and Part 3.

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