Tuesday, 18 March 2014

How Did I Even Get Here?! Part 1

  When I first started up, people would ask what made me decide to become a groomer. Truth is, I have no clue. There was no growing love of all things grooming, no Ah-Ha! moment, not even a stray thought remotely close to it. I had no clue what I wanted to do with my life. All I knew is that I hated school and did not want to go from high school right into college or university.

  Graduating was the most exciting and terrifying thing I've done thus far. Graduating felt so final. Like the end of the world as I knew it; and I was completely ill-prepared for the new world I was being released into. Was I supposed to be independent now? Was I supposed to move out and get a job? Was I supposed to go to college? Wasn't I supposed to have everything together by now?! I remember crying when I turned 18 a few months after graduation, because at least I had been 17. Adulthood was coming on fast and the pressure was crushing me.
   It took some time, but I finally started to acclimate. I lived at home and got a job in retail while all the geniuses I had graduated with went on to change the world through academia. One day, in the spring of 2010, I was given a sign.  My Mom and I were running errands. As we drove by the local pet store, a large sign was positioned so driver's could easily read it. "Experienced groomer wanted". My Mother turned to me and said the 5 words that changed my life and filled me with the one thing I craved most…direction. "You'd be good at that." That's all she said, and thank God she did!  I don't remember thinking "Perfect! I will be a groomer!" I just couldn't get what my Mom had said to stop resounding inside my head. When we got home I immediately got on the computer to do some research. This completely random career was acctually something that I could envision myself doing and even enjoying!

    After doing some research I found that there were a lot of online courses, a lot of correspondence courses, but only a few schools. I'm sure there are people out there who can learn dog grooming online and stay motivated to do their work under their own steam; that person is not me. Plus, it just made sense to me to learn a hands on skill in a hands on way. There was nothing keeping me from going to school; nothing to tie me down. I found a school in the BC lower mainland that just happened to be a 5 minute drive from my brothers place. I mailed off my application and in a week or so I was asked to come in for a face to face interview. Now, I live 12 hours away by car and 2 hours away by plane from this school; but sure! I'll just pop over for an interview! However my exceptionally supportive parents decided it was a good excuse to visit my brothers and their families. So we booked the interview and hopped on the plane.

   This is not where the story ends, but it's a long story. So this is intermission. Check back for How Did I Even Get Here ?! Part 2.

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